Remove minimum personnel in stations

  • I am trying to shift (slowly) into a realistic game with correct vehicles per station, I do not understand the requirement for a minimum of 10 people at a fire station? Some of these stations have 5 or 6 people maximum depending on the station, with others having upwards of 10 or 15 per station which is on the high end. What is the reasoning for requiring the other 4-5 people being at the station just sitting not assigned to trucks? I suggest that we either lower the minimum to 5 or remove it entirely to more properly spread out resources

  • The limit has been introduces to "prevent cheating because you can move all the staff and then delete the station and then you can cheat 10 free extra staff per Week (but only if you don't use the 10 free staff for anything else)".

    I don't expect XYR to undo that because of this interesting reason for introducing that limit.

  • Honestly as stated above.

    This is how the game has always been. I see your point in how stations have their staffing in real life and understand players want to be realistic but from a game standpoint this is how it's set.

    Unfortunately this will not change. My recommendation is to transfer staff around to other areas you'd like them at.



  • Agree and if you want realistic staffing there is always the option to go into your units and lower the number of people assigned to them to the minimum and then the remainder of the staffing in the station will remain unused.

    Mission Chief - In Game Division Chief

    Professionally having my posts deleted since 2022!8)<3

  • I wish there was a way to assign people to a shift, most stations have more then 10 assigned to them, but they may have less then 10 on a shift.

    lower the number of people on a unit and then assign people and the others will go unused.... or.... get two units of the same type and assign personnel to each unit and then set their available times

    Mission Chief - In Game Division Chief

    Professionally having my posts deleted since 2022!8)<3

  • I am not buying 4 of every type of unit for every one unit so I can have shifts. I make do just letting it be the way it is. I am just saying it would be nice if there was a way to assign staff to a shift. Would also be nice if you could assign company officers or apparatus drivers.

    Battalion Chief in game
    338M credits as of May 2024

    NA Emergency Response

    NYC, Vancouver, Newark, Toronto

  • I am not buying 4 of every type of unit for every one unit so I can have shifts. I make do just letting it be the way it is. I am just saying it would be nice if there was a way to assign staff to a shift. Would also be nice if you could assign company officers or apparatus drivers.

    That is easy to do. When you assign people to a vehicle, you can edit their name. For exame you could have 'Harry B - Driver - E224'

  • Yes I know that but a vehicle in a 4 platoon dept should have 4 drivers and 4 officers. There is no way to have enough people assigned to the vehicle to have all 4 shifts (for realism) but only have one driver and one officer. It could fill it with 4 drivers. Or 4 officers or none at all. It’s random who gets chosen.

    Battalion Chief in game
    338M credits as of May 2024

    NA Emergency Response

    NYC, Vancouver, Newark, Toronto

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