Unit Suggestions - UK Game

  • Quote
    Namepolice drone unit
    Purposemisper search, suspect search, intel gathering, large events
    Trainingdrone training
    NameHART Drone
    PurposeArea search, Scene overview, large scale incidents.
  • Modules on a Prime mover system like on the German version.

    NameUSAR Modules 1-5
    PurposeUrban Search and Rescue
    NamePrime Mover
    PurposeCarrying Modules for USAR and Water carrier etc
    TrainingHeavy Lifting


    Random Person ;)

  • NameFlood Response Unit
    Purpose-A Light Water Rescue Unit That Is Used In The Northern Part Of The UK, Its Used In Rescuing People From Minor Water Rescue Situations That Don't Require Boats
    How many personel are required1 To 3 Personnel
    Training-Swift Water Rescue
    Building expansionSwift Water Rescue Expansion
    Number of Prisoner/Patient slotsN/A
  • NameCriminal Investigation Department Van
    Purpose-Fronseic Unit used for getting finger prints, DNA samples at the road side
    How many personel are required1-2
    Building expansionN/a
    Number of Prisoner/Patient slots N/A
  • NameSAR Helicopter
    PurposeTechnical Rescue, Medical Evacuations/Transfers.
    TrainingSAR Operations
    ExpansionSAR Helicopter Base (Stand alone building at 1,000,000).
    Transports1-21 depending on helicopter (can be changed)

    This is not to be confused with any coming updates.

    I am suggesting this as a standalone building/unit that can be integrated into the current services and can be put in place ready for any future updates.

    I have made the prices the same as current helicopter set ups within the game.

    The SAR Helicopter could be used for missions such as "Stuck Climber", "Parachutist stuck in tree" and can be easily introduced into any new missions that may require the winch capability or even used for medical missions in a remote location.

    The SAR Helicopter could also be used instead of a police helicopter for missions such as "missing person" in a system like the CBRNe and HAZMAT vehicles where it can be either required.

    POIs could be introduced to bring more missions for this unit such as cliffs, mountains etc.

  • This could be good however this could be abused heavily if it had 21 paitents, maybe have 3 types 1 that can hold 1 paitent 1 that can hold 5 paitents and 1 that CAN Hold 10 paitents,. The one that can hold 10 should be limited to 1 per player and locked to 20 million (staff captain) and the one that holds 5 limited to 1-2 HMCG bases

    Members want realistic resources etc.. This is realistic, the numbers do not need changing.

    Missions can be brought in with the number of casualties to make it useful, even without that it could be used for mutual aid taskings to large casualty missions such as the large Aircraft crash.

    If you wish to discuss this further please message me so we do not clog up the forum.

  • I'm not sure if this has been mentioned or not, sorry if it has!

    NameFire Investigation Unit
    Purpose-Sent to scenes where the call could of been arson, possibly giving a follow-up call for police to arrest the suspect
    How many personnel required-Min. 1 Max 2
    Training-Fire Investigations
    Building expansionFire Investigation Unit
    Number of Prisoner/Patient slots0 Prisoner / 0 Patients

    NameFire Investigation Dog Unit
    Purpose-Sent to scenes where the call could of been arson, possibly giving a follow-up call for police to arrest the suspect - the difference is that the dog unit is faster maybe gets you more credits
    How many personnel required-Min. 1 Max 2
    Training-Fire Investigations, Dog Handling
    Building expansionFire Investigation Unit
    Number of Prisoner/Patient slots0 Prisoner / 0 Patients


    Random Person ;)

  • NameLogistics Unit
    Service-Ambulance [HART/SORT]
    Purpose-Mass Cass and HART incidents (acts as Mass Cass and SRV, almost like an OSU but HART)
    How many personnel are required1-2 personnel
    Training-SORT Training
    Building expansionMass Cass expansion
    Number of Prisoner/Patient slots-
  • VICFire April 16, 2022 at 12:30 PM

    Changed the title of the thread from “Unit Suggtions ---Official--- UK Vehicles ONLY” to “Unit Suggestions - UK Game”.
  • NameAdvanced Protester Removal Team (APRT) (See page 76 of linked CoP Document)
    Purpose-Sent to Protester Removal - IRL they are Police officers trained to work at height, in confined spaces and on water.
    Cost-12,000 credits
    How many personnel required-4 Personnel
    Training-APRT Training
    Building expansionPolice & Public Safety Expansion
    Number of Prisoner/Patient slots0 Prisoner / 0 Patients
  • Hi,

    I'm new to the game I've set up a few stations and I need some help. Is there like a beginners manual?

    There isnt a manual as such but my recommendation is find an alliance and the players within should be able to overwhelm you with knowlwedge and hints and tricks. In the meantime concentrate on building fire stations, each additional fire station built gives you and extra mission on your lists and generally pay more than police and ambulance missions.

  • Hi,

    I'm new to the game I've set up a few stations and I need some help. Is there like a beginners manual?

    Welcome to the game.

    I recommend starting with fire or police as in the UK game we have worked hard to get police equal in terms of payout. I’d then try to build up all 3 services until you hit 25 stations each as this is when the price starts to increase. Pick somewhere to build that interests you. You also want to make sure you get enough resources to deal with missions, again, the game has been designed so that players can play realistically in most areas of the UK but I advise building up specialist resources early so that you have adequate should any missions spawn. (Doesn’t mean you have to go crazy but something like 4 ARV’s, 2 Aerials, 6-8 Fire officers etc).

    If you have any further questions please feel free to make a thread asking them as there are lots of helpful members on here who will assist.

    One thing, this thread should only be used for suggesting new vehicles that should be added to the game so please can this now go back on topic just to keep it organised.

  • NameTraffic Bike
    Service- Police
    Purpose-acts as a Traffic Vehicle and is slightly faster then a regular traffic car also will act as a IRV but won't transport
    How many personel are requiredMin 1 Max 1
    Training-Motorbike Officer (or the RPU training but please not 2 trainings for the bike)
    Building expansionavailable at police station and large police depot
    Number of Prisoner/Patient slotsWill Not Transport
  • NameFire Rescue Unit
    Purpose-Multi-role vehicle for HAZMAT, RSU; eventually water rescue and any other specialised rescues e.g. animal,line or USAR
    How many personel are requiredMin 1 Max 5
    Training-Fire Rescue Unit Training
    Building expansionTechnical Rescue expansion, or water rescue expansion
    Number of Prisoner/Patient slotsWill Not Transport
  • NameExplosive Ordnance Disposal Unit
    Service-Military [Maybe Police]
    Purpose-Being Required to attend CBRN incidents and Unexploded Devices
    How many personel are required2
    Training-Explosive Ordnance Disposal Unit
    Building expansionBomb Disposal Expansion
  • NameMarauding terrorist firearms attack Response Unit
    Fire Service and Ambulance Service
    Purpose-Attending Firearms Calls to treat wounded Patients or to be used a Small Fires Unit
    How many personel are required4
    Building expansionMarauding terrorist firearms Expansion
  • NameMarauding terrorist firearms attack Response Unit
    Fire Service and Ambulance Service
    Purpose-Attending Firearms Calls to treat wounded Patients or to be used a Small Fires Unit
    How many personel are required4
    Building expansionMarauding terrorist firearms Expansion

    The devs have confirmed in the past that there will be NO terrorism incidents added to the game.

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