Station Cost

  • Yeah unfortunately that topic has been a pain. I can see if this could be done or not.

    How about a reduced price of a small station with only two or three bays? If the idea above doesn't go through?

  • I'm sure this has been brought up numerous times before, but I wish there was a paid option to reduce station costs. I know I would put up money to not have to spend 800,000 credits on a small station...

    I agree. The costs from some things don't make much sense at all and this is certainly one of them. The costs for a lot of things need to be adjusted IMHO. Thanks for bringing this forward.

    Mission Chief - In Game Division Chief

    Professionally having my posts deleted since 2022!8)<3

  • I previously was in favor of saying that the logarithmic increase in cost for small stations needed to decrease - however with us now having access to a single expansion for small stations and hypothetically specializations for small stations coming shortly, I'm not sure the same argument for large cost decreases apply anymore.

  • I previously was in favor of saying that the logarithmic increase in cost for small stations needed to decrease - however with us now having access to a single expansion for small stations and hypothetically specializations for small stations coming shortly, I'm not sure the same argument for large cost decreases apply anymore.

    UK has the specialiaztions already ( i think they using UK as test bed) but its kinda buggy

  • i know in my area most stations have a quint or an engine and an ambo thats it.. only a few have 3 or more trucks and we have 74 stations. lucky to have quite a few clinics that have their own transports but id love to be able to build a huge ambo complex like Rural Metro or Century where they have like 20 to 30 ambos in one location

  • i know in my area most stations have a quint or an engine and an ambo thats it.. only a few have 3 or more trucks and we have 74 stations. lucky to have quite a few clinics that have their own transports but id love to be able to build a huge ambo complex like Rural Metro or Century where they have like 20 to 30 ambos in one location

    Build a large ems station if you fully upgrade it will hold 40 units

  • The cost of the stations are proportional to the number of stations you have. The more you build the higher the price goes.

    I'm sure this has been brought up numerous times before, but I wish there was a paid option to reduce station costs. I know I would put up money to not have to spend 800,000 credits on a small station...

    Take advantage of the half of with coins to build new stations.

  • The cost of the stations are proportional to the number of stations you have. The more you build the higher the price goes.

    Take advantage of the half of with coins to build new stations.

    I did not realize that the more you bought the more buildings costs. Just seems to me it should be the other way around.. Once you reach 100 buildings you get a slight discount and then at 200 a bigger....obviously up to a maximum level of discount...

    Mission Chief - In Game Division Chief

    Professionally having my posts deleted since 2022!8)<3

  • As one who started this game way before small stations came into play… I’d be a bit upset if small stations didn’t do a cost increase like large stations.

    I opted to never go to small stations as it would have forced me to make major shifts in how my system was set up, and the prospect of resetting over 200 stations at the time was ludicrous to me.

    If they do it for small stations then it would need to be done for large stations.

  • The increase in station cost makes sense, the more stations you have the more missions you spawn, which allows you to selectively complete the higher paying missions. As well as this, you're able to spawn larger missions as you meet their requirements. Both of these means that you're able to reach the cost for a station much easier. It would only take a few missions to reach the amount needed for a station in late game (if prices didn't increase!), however loads for a new player.

    As stated above, buying coins with IRL cash and using them on the 50% off events is an already existing way to reduce the cost with real money.

  • As one who started this game way before small stations came into play… I’d be a bit upset if small stations didn’t do a cost increase like large stations.

    I opted to never go to small stations as it would have forced me to make major shifts in how my system was set up, and the prospect of resetting over 200 stations at the time was ludicrous to me.

    If they do it for small stations then it would need to be done for large stations.

    The small stations don't really effect your set up since they can be upgraded to a full station. They're just away to spread the cost of a full station over a period of time. Half up front and the second half at the upgrade.

  • As DragonBlade said:

    The small stations cost virtually 50% of the cost of a large station so at the moment for my next Fire station the cost is: large 2,025,142 small 1,000,000 with the small to large expansion costing the other 50% and 24 hours to complete

    If the cost of stations doesn’t increase for fire and police stations then we would all reach the current building limits and have not much left to do

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